Flexible connections of pipelines - compensators are made with a diameter of up to 900 mm and length up to 1000 mm. The presence of flanges allows you to collect pipelines of the required length. Flange dimensions are made in accordance with GOST 12819-80, 12820-80, 12822-80 or in agreement with the customer. One section of flexible connection provides a rotation angle between individual links of steel pipes of at least 25 °.

It is possible to produce flexible joints of other sizes with angles of bending up to 45 ° in both horizontal and vertical planes. Due to the design features, flexible joints are able to compensate for significant axial and angular deformations, to damp hydrostraps, to prevent the development of electrochemical corrosion. One compensator with a diameter of 900 mm, 800 mm long can compensate up to 90 mm of axial deformations. Areas of application - instead of metal ball joints on dredges, as elastic compensators for axial and angular deformations of pipeline systems.

Flexible connections - compensators, are made of two types, with radial corrugations (f 2, f 2а) and toroidal. (f 1, f 1 a)

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